CSS :: Cell in Animals

11.  Omnis cellula e cellula means that:
A. Cells come from pre-existing cells B. Cells are all alike in organisms
C. Cells are life in cellular organisms D. None of these

12.  Modern cell theory envisages that cells are:
A. Basic structural units of living systems B. Basic functional units of living systems
C. Basic hereditary units of living systems D. All of these facts

13.  First person to see the celi under a microscope was:
A. Mathias Schleiden B. Robert Hooks
C. Leeuwenhock D. Schwarnn

14.  Animal cells are:
A. Prokaryotic B. Eukaryotic
C. Proeukaryotic D. None of these

15.  In prokaryotic cell the nucleus has:
A. A drfinite nuclear envelope B. No definite nuclear envelope
C. Absence of pores in nuclear membrane D. None of these

16.  Prokaryotic cells are found in:
A. Animals B. Bacteria only
C. Bacteria and blue green algae D. All of these

17.  Eukaryotic cells are characteristic of
A. Unicellular animals B. Multicellular animals
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

18.  Longest cells are:
A. Nerve cells B. Egg cells
C. Kidney cells D. None of these

19.  Human egg has a diameter of:
A. 0.1 mm B. 1.0 mm
C. 0.01 mm D. None of these

20.  Cell of largest diameter is:
A. Ostrich egg B. Human egg
C. Frog's egg D. None of these

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