CSS :: Sociological Theory

81.  Raymond Aron was born in
A. 1905 B. 1910
C. 1855

82.  Raymond Aron died in
A. 1983 B. 1945
C. 2001

83.  Roland Barthes was born in
A. 1915 B. 1815
C. 1715

84.  Roland Barthes was died in
A. 1980 B. 1880
C. 1770

85.  Elias was a
A. Sociologist B. American professor
C. scientist

86.  Elias was born in
A. 1897 B. 1857
C. 1817

87.  Elias was bron in
A. Wroclaw B. England
C. Russia

88.  "A Religious History of American People" was written by
A. Max Weber B. E.Ahistrom
C. P. V. Young

89.  "The Psychology of Rumors" was written by
A. Gordon Allport B. E. Ahistrom
C. Max Weber

90.  "American Cultural Values" was written by
A. Conard M. Avensbery and H.Niehoff B. Philippe Aries
C. Solomon Asch

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