CSS :: Sociological Theory

41.  Kinship by Nature is
A. always specific B. always unspecific
C. never specific D. in some cases specific, while others not

42.  According to Karl Marx main cause respobsible for the emergence of social class was
A. economic B. social
C. religious

43.  Marx has been criticised for his views about formation of social classes because
A. he has laid too much stress on economic aspect of life. B. he overestimates the role of social factors in his theories.
C. he gives equal importance to social factors in life.

44.  In a capitalist economy, according to Karl Marx,
A. the interests of working classes clashed with those of the non-working classes. B. social considerations weighed while deciding interests of the classes.
C. none of above

45.  Max Weber was son of
A. doctor B. lawyer
C. politician D. None of these

46.  "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism" was written by
A. Max Weber B. Karl Marx
C. Georg Simmel

47.  Max Weber wrote his first essay in
A. 1904 B. 1908
C. 1912

48.  Sociology is a science, said by
A. Mkarl Marx B. Georg Simmel
C. Max Weber

49.  Max Weber died in
A. 1820 B. 1920
C. 1925

50.  According to Marxian philosophy,
A. no class inherits class consciousness. B. propertied, classes inherit class consciousness.
C. all classes inherit class consciousness.

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