CSS :: Sociological Theory

31.  "Sociology as the study of social facts" defines in
A. Suicide (1897) B. The rules of Sociological method (1895)
C. The division of labour (1893)

32.  "Constraints accounting for suicide were real" in book "Suicide" were explained by
A. Emile Durkheim B. Adam Smith
C. Vilfredo Pareto

33.  Durkheim's shortest book is
A. suicide B. The rules of Sociological method (1895)
C. the division of labour

34.  "The fundamental attributes of human awareness" was explained in Durkheim's book
A. suicide B. the elementary forms of the religious life
C. the division of labour

35.  Durkheim died in
A. 1817 B. 1917
C. 1927 D. None of these

36.  "Kinship" is a symbol of system called
A. economic system B. totemism
C. society

37.  The totem is sacred because it symbolises
A. society B. kinship
C. worship

38.  "The Elementary Forms of the Religions Life" by Durkheim is
A. analysis of the whole phenomenon of religion. B. analysis of society.
C. analysis of totemism system.

39.  Max Weber was born in
A. Erfurt B. Epinal
C. Germany

40.  Kinship
A. is always related to sex B. is unrelated with sex
C. is related to society

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