CSS :: Sociological Theory

11.  According to Comet, human existence can be divided into
A. four stages B. five stages
C. three stages

12.  Which of the following is stage of human existence?
A. theological B. positive
C. both of these

13.  Comet introduced
A. Dynamical sociology B. Static sociology
C. Physics D. None of these

14.  "Elementary subordination" said by
A. August Comet B. Herbert Spencer
C. Marl Marx D. None of these

15.  Karl Marx was born in
A. Germany B. India
C. Japan D. None of these

16.  Karl Marx received a doctorate of philosophy from
A. Oxford University B. Unversity of Jena
C. Harward University

17.  Karl Marx became Doctor of Philosophy at the age of
A. 25 B. 28
C. 23

18.  Marx's intellectual partner was
A. Frederick Engels B. Herbert Spencer
C. August Comet

19.  Emile Durkheim was born in
A. Epinal B. Germany
C. Belgium D. None of these

20.  "The Division of Labour" was written by
A. Karl Marx B. Vilfredo Pareto
C. Emile Durkheim D. None of these

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