CSS :: Social Institutions

61.  Which of the following is not true of the joint family system?
A. In it family size is very large. B. In it each unit of the family has its own head.
C. None of above

62.  Marriage gets social approval with the help of
A. education B. wealth
C. social ceremonies

63.  A system of marriage in which husband has only one wife is called
A. monogamy B. polygamy
C. None of these

64.  Monogamy became popular because in the past
A. women were less fertile. B. it is difficult to maintain more than one wife.
C. None of above

65.  Which of the following is not true of monogamy?
A. It does not divide the love of husband. B. It is stable form of marriage.
C. The number of women as compared to men is much less.

66.  Which of following is true of monogamy?
A. In it a husband cannot live in his house with more than one woman. B. In it a man can have many women and all can be his wives.
C. A man can have many women and have also sexual relationship with them, but only one enjoys status of wife.

67.  Manandry is a form of marriage in which a woman
A. has one husband at a time B. has two husbands at a time
C. None of these

68.  Which one of the following is not true of monogamy?
A. It helps in the stability of a family. B. It promotes sense of unity and oneness.
C. In it chances of conflict do not altogether exist.

69.  Which one of the following is not true of monogamy?
A. In it conditions of women are better. B. Living standards of the family members is high.
C. There are no disputes about ancestral property.

70.  The system of marriage in which a man can have more than one wife is known as
A. polygamy B. polygynay
C. polyandry

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