CSS :: Social Institutions

51.  Which of the following is not a disadvantage of joint family system?
A. It encourages idleness. B. It leads to quarrels.
C. It makes leisure difficult.

52.  Which one of the following is not a disadvantage of joint family system?
A. It is economical. B. It encourages spend-thrifting.
C. None of above

53.  Joint family system is on the decline, which of the following is not the main cause for its disintegration?
A. There is increased agricultural production. B. There is increased pressure on land.
C. There is increased western influence.

54.  Which of the following is not true about the disintegration of joint family system?
A. There is increased urbanisation. B. It has failed to develop social virtues.
C. There is increased industrialisation.

55.  "Theory of primitive promiscuism" was given by
A. Karl Marx B. P. V. Young
C. J. L. Lubbock's

56.  Whose name is associated with J.L.Lubbock's in presenting the theory of primitive promicuism?
A. L. H. Morgan B. Bliss
C. J. G. Frazer

57.  In our times the family system is under heavy strains because of
A. urbanisation B. democracy
C. small family size

58.  Joint family system is weakening because
A. government is not favouring it. B. the land does not need manpower.
C. the people have started disliking it.

59.  In the traditional family the head of the family
A. was most democrat. B. had no control over the family.
C. was more or less autocrat.

60.  In the traditional family the head of the family is
A. the eldest person in the family. B. the wiser member of the family.
C. the wisest person of town.

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