CSS :: Social Institutions

41.  Which of the following is not a serious problem of a modern family?
A. There is benevolence in the family which creates problems. B. Romantic marriages have increased.
C. None of above

42.  Which of the following is not the cause of instability of a modern family?
A. Keen struggle is going on to inherit parental property. B. There is absence of social mores.
C. None of above

43.  Which of the following is not an important cause of instability of a modern family?
A. Romantic marriage. B. Arranged marriage.
C. Shortening of child-being period.

44.  Which of the following can be of great help for reconstruction of family?
A. Hastily conducted remontic marriages should be discouraged. B. Joint family system should be encouraged.
C. Noen of above

45.  Which of the following can be a feasible suggestion for the reconstruction of a modern family?
A. Process of industrialisation should be slowed down. B. family should be run on democratic lines.
C. None of above

46.  Which one of the following is the practical solution for the reconstruction of a modern family?
A. Process of modernisation should be checked. B. Only agreeable changes should be brought in the family.
C. None of these

47.  Which of the following is a concrete suggestion for reducing instability of a modern family?
A. Areas of arrangement should be widened. B. Marriage should be kept as a social arrangement only.
C. None of above

48.  Which of the following is not characteristic of joint family system?
A. Members live together under one roof. B. Members may or may not relate to each other.
C. Member have common ancestors.

49.  Which of the following is not true for joint family system?
A. Family has a combined kitchen. B. Ownership of sources of production but not that of consumption belongs to whole family.
C. None of above

50.  Which of the following is not an important advantage of a joint family system?
A. It encourages savings. B. It makes leisure possible.
C. It provides social security.

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