CSS :: Social Institutions

21.  The family in which thee is only one couple with children is known as
A. conjugal family B. immediate family
C. procreation family

22.  Which of the following is not characteristic of family?
A. It is based on mating relationship. B. It is essentially based on duration of the marriage
C. Each family has some nomenclature.

23.  Which of the following is not characteristic of family?
A. It can be reckoned either from male or female. B. In it there is no need of common habitation.
C. It can consist of any type of marriage.

24.  The system under which woman can marry more than one husband and keep all of them with herself is known as
A. polyandrous B. patronymic
C. procreation

25.  A family in which individual gets married is known as
A. orientation family B. patronymic family
C. procreation family

26.  A family in which an individual is born is known as
A. orientation family B. extended family
C. None of these

27.  The family in which descent starts with the mother is known as
A. conjugal B. matronymic
C. procreation

28.  "The Mother" was written by
A. Gillin and Gillin B. P. V. Young
C. Briffult

29.  Which of the following is not a salient feature of the family?
A. It is universal. B. It is found in all societies.
C. In it members have primary emotions only for each other.

30.  Which of the following is not a salient feature of the family?
A. It is an open group. B. It is permanent institution.
C. It is only a closed group.

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