CSS :: Social Institutions

261.  Belief system of the individual
A. must be same B. must be different
C. can be different from that of the society

262.  Belief system in the society
A. only encourages conflicts B. always creates conflicts
C. partly creates as well as partly settles conflicts

263.  Religious belief system is usually based on
A. materislistic approaches B. moral approaches to the problems
C. None of above

264.  When religious belief systems come in conflict with each other, the result is
A. religious violent outbursts B. changes in materialistic outlook
C. changes in trade system

265.  Which of the following is usually not adjusted as method for convincing the people that religious belief system should be strong?
A. It will result in loss of money. B. Its violation will revolutionise their social system.
C. None of above.

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