CSS :: Social Institutions

251.  Which of the following is not true?
A. Every religious law must be morally right. B. Religious laws may or may not be morally right.
C. None of above.

252.  Belief system is concerned only with
A. religion B. politics
C. culture D. all aspects of social life

253.  Belief system in all the societies
A. is imposed on the people by the rulers. B. develops gradually and slowly.
C. None of above.

254.  Belief system is usually
A. linked with supernatural power. B. not linked with supernatural power.
C. None of above.

255.  Religious belief system
A. always creates frustrations. B. at times creates frustration.
C. None of above.

256.  Which of the following is not true about religious belief system?
A. More reward for less work. B. Untimely death of a relation.
C. Failure in meeting a group of friends.

257.  Belief system in every religious system
A. has some symbolic expression. B. discards symbols at will.
C. None of above.

258.  Institutional belief system is one which is
A. adopted by only one institution. B. adopted by a particular society.
C. adopted by some institution.

259.  Institutional belief system
A. cannot change B. can be changed easily
C. can be changed rarely

260.  Which of the following is true of the Christian belief system?
A. It believes in the unity of God. B. It believes in Karma theory.
C. None of above.

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