CSS :: Social Institutions

231.  Which of the following is not true of religion and magic?
A. Both have something in veiw B. Both have power to attract people
C. Both have capacity to convince others

232.  Which of the following is not true of magic?
A. It is always considered imperfect. B. In it behaviour get commercialised.
C. None of above.

233.  Historically religion has
A. encouraged scientific equity. B. always opposed free enquiry.
C. None of above.

234.  Which of the following is not the main cause of conflict between science and religion?
A. Pursuit of empirical truths cause conflict. B. The boundaries between the two have always remain unchanged.
C. None of these.

235.  Which of the following is true about science and religion?
A. Both have supreme God. B. Both try to pierce into the realm of the unknown.
C. Both have same values.

236.  Which of the following is not true of morality?
A. It is instinctive. B. It encourages scientific enquiry.
C. None of above.

237.  Which of the following is not true of religion?
A. Its laws are permanent. B. Its laws are based on nationality.
C. Its laws are based on emotions.

238.  In theoretic society, there is
A. religious toleration B. religious intoleration
C. religious understanding

239.  In a secular society, there is
A. religious toleration B. religious intoleration
C. religious appreciation

240.  In the religion, the reform movement started because
A. priestly class had become corrupt. B. the rulers wanted to do so.
C. the masses stopped praying in the churches.

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