CSS :: Social Institutions

211.  Which of the following is not covered under social functions of religion?
A. It inculcates feelings of scientific investigations. B. It checks negative outlook.
C. None of above.

212.  Which of the following is not social function of religion?
A. It promotes feelings of equality. B. It encourages democratic tendencies.
C. It promotes tolerance.

213.  Which of the following is not social function of religion?
A. It has always discouraged sense of subjugation. B. It has strengthened civilisation.
C. None of these

214.  Which of the following is not true of religion?
A. It discourages social reforms. B. It discourages family planning.
C. It slows down economic development.

215.  Which of the following is not true of religion?
A. It has stood by the side of slavery. B. It has pleaded social equality.
C. None of above.

216.  Which of the following is not true of religion?
A. It has created special priestly class. B. It has helped promoting good relations with earthly power.
C. None of these.

217.  The oldest from in which religion was available to society was
A. magic B. totemism
C. the concept of holy

218.  Which of the following is not true of religion?
A. It has given birth of corruption. B. It has helped in international understanding.
C. None of these.

219.  Superstition may be called something in which
A. there is logical testing of the event. B. there is some background of the event.
C. the event has no relation with conviction.

220.  Which of the following is not category of ascendental ends of super empirical?
A. Purification B. Plants
C. None of these

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