CSS :: Social Institutions

191.  Rights which are given to the citizens by constitution but which cannot be touched by the state are known as
A. legal rights B. political rights
C. fundamental rights

192.  A political system in which constitution can be easily amended is known as
A. flexible constitution B. rigid constitution
C. None of these

193.  Which of the following is true feature of authoritarianism?
A. It aims at concentration of authority. B. It acts against public interests.
C. Both a and b.

194.  Which of the following is true characteristic of imperialism?
A. its aims at controlling administration and trade of other nations. B. It aims at making the people of colony civilised.
C. None of above.

195.  Which of the following is not true feature of modern individualism?
A. It centres round a group of people. B. It revolves round individual.
C. Both of above.

196.  Which of the following is not true feature of modern individualism?
A. It is against the theory of individualism. B. State is absolute sovereign authority above all individuals.
C. None of above.

197.  The aim of all governmental activities should be the greatest good of the greatest number of people was the philosophy of
A. Socialists B. Marxists
C. Guild Socialists

198.  Religion is an institution which
A. is found only in advanced societies. B. was found in primitive societies.
C. is found in all societies.

199.  Which one of the following is not characteristic of religion?
A. It believes in supernatural powers. B. It believes in godlessness.
C. It believes in spirituality.

200.  Which of the following is not true feature of religion?
A. It stresses on rituals. B. It helps in promoting virtues.
C. It is opposed to exploitation.

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