CSS :: Social Institutions

11.  I. H. Morgan's name is associated with
A. patriarchal theory B. theory of polygamy
C. matriarchal theory

12.  Which of the following theory believed that origin of family is based on the philosophy of possession of women by men?
A. Multi-factor theory B. Polygamy theory
C. Theory of sex communism

13.  The system under which marriage between blood relations was not forbidden is known as
A. syndas B. consanguine
C. matrilocal

14.  The one man married one woman but married relations was not definite is known as
A. syndas B. orientation
C. procreation

15.  When one man married one woman only with definite regulations, the system was known as
A. monogamous B. extended
C. None of these

16.  The type of family in which after marriage husband moves to the residence of wife is known as
A. matrilocal residence B. changing residence
C. patrilocal residence

17.  When after marriage husband lives in the residence of wife, the system is known as
A. patronymic B. orientation family
C. patrilocal residence family

18.  When husband and wife live alternately at each other's residence, the marriage system is known as
A. changing B. patrilocal
C. matrilocal

19.  Type of the family in which mother is the basis of all authority is known as
A. matrilocal B. matrilineal
C. procreation

20.  The family in which father is the source of authority is known as
A. patrilineal B. procreation
C. patronymic

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