CSS :: Social Institutions

151.  In a simple society, the people used to obey the monarch because
A. he was the representative of his people. B. he enjoyed the support of the feudal lords.
C. None of above.

152.  In a simple society, it was believed that the monarch was
A. the eldest person in the kingdom. B. the deputy of God on earth.
C. None of above.

153.  In a simple society, it was believed that state was the
A. divine origin B. expansion of families
C. product of force

154.  In past king usually had
A. the cooperation of church. B. the cooperation of feudal lords.
C. None of these.

155.  In past the aim of the conquest used to be to
A. spread religion. B. socially integrate the world.
C. culturally uplift the people.

156.  In past the king was supposed to obey
A. constitution B. written code of conduct
C. None of these

157.  In past the legal system was
A. fully well codified. B. interpreted by the judges.
C. None of above.

158.  Legal system was
A. interpreted by the judges. B. what the king wished and interpreted.
C. None of above.

159.  For Aristotle state was an agency for
A. giving good life B. promoting religion
C. strengthening political ideology

160.  The system of city state in past was quite common under the
A. Turks B. Romans
C. Pakistanis

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