CSS :: Social Institutions

141.  According to Marxian philosophy, in the industry the labour accepts less wages because
A. he has left his home. B. he knows that his labour cannot be preserved.
C. he cannot have capacity to produce.

142.  In the feudal system, maximum stress in production was laid on
A. labour B. machine
C. capital

143.  According to Marxian philosophy, the industrial workers can find an end to their problems if
A. they raise capital. B. they unite.
C. they set up their own machines.

144.  In complex economy of today, the welfare of the workers is
A. partly taken care B. completely ignored
C. None of these

145.  In ancient times all over the world, the popular form of government was used to be
A. theocracy B. dictatorship
C. monarchy

146.  Kingship mostly used in past is
A. elected B. heredity
C. None of these

147.  In past foremost duty of the ruler used to be to
A. promote religion. B. promote welfare of the people.
C. None of above

148.  In a simple society, the king
A. had no bindings whatsoever on his authority. B. was bound by moral and legal code.
C. None of above

149.  In a simple society, one of the most important functions of the king was to
A. collect taxes. B. maintain charitable institutions.
C. dig canals for agriculturalists.

150.  Institutions were based on which principle in simple society?
A. Division of powers B. Judicial review
C. None of these

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