CSS :: Social Institutions

131.  Under state capitalism it is believed that the labour
A. is source of all economic value. B. has less important role in society.
C. None of above.

132.  Which of the following is not true in case of state capitalism?
A. It distrusts the individual. B. Possession of wealth in the hands of individuals is encouraged.
C. None of these

133.  Which of the following does not hold good in the case of state capitalism?
A. It keeps resources in the hand of the state. B. State controls all economic resources.
C. It seeks profits as a way of commanding all other institutions.

134.  Which one of the following is not the modern trend in industrial relations?
A. New conceptions of labour are emerging. B. State controls all economic resources.
C. None of these

135.  In a complex society, which one of the following is not characteristic of economy?
A. It does not take social needs into consideration. B. It revolves round profits.
C. It is impersonal in many ways.

136.  In a complex society, which of the following is not characteristic of economy?
A. It gives the highest priority to capital. B. It is competitive in nature.
C. It absolutely undermines labour.

137.  Which of the following is not characteristic of economy in a complex society?
A. It is competitive in nature. B. In it labour identifies himself with the produce he produces.
C. In it technical expertise plays big role.

138.  Which of the following does not apply in the case of complex economy?
A. Workers are being denied share in the running of industry. B. Workers are being given share in the profits.
C. None of above.

139.  Which one of the following does not apply in the case of complex economy of our times?
A. There is economy interdependence. B. There is system of international trade.
C. There is divorce of industry and social needs.

140.  "In production process maximum role is played by labour", is said by
A. Karl Marx B. P. V. Young
C. Max Weber

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