CSS :: Social Institutions

111.  Guilds disintegrated due to several reasons, which of the following was not an important cause of disintegration?
A. These had become largely monopolistic. B. These competed with each other.
C. These avoided competing with each other.

112.  Pre-capitalist system in society came with the
A. appearance of eastern commercial routes. B. appearance of the middle man.
C. failure of the crusades.

113.  Of a society with simple economy, which of the following is not true?
A. Materialistic outlook develops. B. Religious outlook develops.
C. None of above.

114.  Industrial system is distinguished from the previous system on the basis of
A. availability of capital. B. application of mechanical power to work machines.
C. availability of means of production.

115.  Industrial system is different from the previous system on the basis of
A. employment of number of people. B. qualiities of the goods produced.
C. adaptation of new inventions.

116.  Twin brother of industrialism is
A. marketing B. consumption
C. capitalist system

117.  Factory system was a quick success on account of
A. willing cooperation of the people. B. less market competition.
C. quick means of transportation of goods.

118.  Which of the following is an important effect of the factory system?
A. Better housing facilities for all. B. Accumulation of capital just in few hands.
C. High wages for the labourers.

119.  Effect of new industrialism was that the rate of
A. production of only consumer goods increased. B. production of only producer goods increased.
C. both a and b together.

120.  Which of the following was not true of new industrialism?
A. House of work very much increased. B. Illiteracy disappeared.
C. There was considerable extension in fine arts.

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