CSS :: Social Institutions

101.  In a simple society which one of the following is the characteristic of economy?
A. There is urbanised economy. B. Economy is agricultural based.
C. There is division of labour.

102.  Manorial system of economy is England implied
A. cultivation of land by the owners themselves. B. small scale cultivation.
C. feudal system i.e. lord employing labourers.

103.  Every manor in the past
A. was almost self-contained economic unit. B. depended on other manors for everything.
C. depended on the king for survival.

104.  Guild system in the past had several characheristics which one is not true of the system?
A. These were associations of people engaged in the same occupation. B. The members of the guilds lived at the same place.
C. The members of the guilds were employed in the same occupation but did not live together.

105.  Which one of the following was not the characteristic of merchant guilds?
A. These brought pressure on ruler. B. These ensured that activities of the fuilds were confined to the village.
C. None of above.

106.  Which of the following did not fit in a simple economy?
A. There was dependence on machines. B. There was no mass production.
C. Both of above.

107.  Which of the following is not true of craft guilds of the past?
A. There were as many guilds as many trades. B. There was no occupational and social mobility in the guild.
C. There were no sharp divisions between the master and the men.

108.  Which one was not true of craft guilds of the simple economy days?
A. These had no rivalry with the merchant guilds. B. These helped in regulating the prices.
C. None of above.

109.  Which one of the following was not true of craft guilds?
A. These arranged economic fairs. B. These avoided market competitions.
C. These encouraged competition with market guilds.

110.  Which one of the following was nottrue of the function of the guilds?
A. These performed religious and political functions. B. These had nothing to do with religious and political functions.
C. These had considerable power in medieval courts.

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