CSS :: Social Institutions

91.  Which one of the following is not important cause of divorce?
A. Period of long separation due to industrialisation. B. Change of social values.
C. Orthodoxy of the parents.

92.  Which one of the following is not the major cause of divorce?
A. Desire to have children. B. Economic self-sufficiency of the women.
C. Too much stress on romance before marriage.

93.  Which one of the following countries has maximum divorces in the world?
A. Japan B. USA
C. Germany

94.  Which of the following is not an important cause of divorce in highly urbanised country?
A. Urbanisation B. Widespread literacy
C. Industrialisation

95.  In developing country like Pakistan marriage is considered
A. friendship B. a religious institution
C. more friendship and less religious institution

96.  We mean an economy in which there was
A. direct utilisation of products of nature. B. direct utilisation of natural products without alteration.
C. indirect utilisation of nature's products.

97.  Which of the following is not true about the aim of lower hunter's economy?
A. Hunting reptile B. Collecting fruit
C. Preparing sweets

98.  Lower hunter implies several things, which of the following is not covered by that?
A. Absence of tools B. Possession of goods to be consumed.
C. Absence of making tools and instruments.

99.  According to Ginsbert, goods in the past were exchanged was
A. hospitality and exchange of gifts. B. exchange through animals.
C. exchange of women.

100.  In the primitive days trade was carried on with the help of
A. coins B. currency
C. exchange of goods

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