CSS :: Culture and Society

61.  Brown and Stiznick feel that norms
A. have nothing to do with behaviour. B. are blue-prints of the behaviour.
C. are unrelated to alternate ways.

62.  In the absence of social norms there will be no
A. marriage B. community
C. society

63.  Which one of the following is not true about norms?
A. These are not formed for all situations. B. These are formed for all situations.
C. Group norms have relevance to purpose.

64.  Social values are
A. positive ideals B. concrete ideals
C. abstract sentiments

65.  A social value
A. differs from individual value. B. outside the personality of individuals.
C. must keep pace with individual value.

66.  Social values indicate
A. group standards B. cultural standards
C. community standards

67.  In every society there are
A. some contradictory norms B. contradictory norms but these support each other.
C. both of these

68.  Which one of the following is the characteristic of social norms?
A. These have relevance to sex and status. B. These are formed for all situations.
C. Their scope does not vary from group to group.

69.  Basic social values reflect
A. fundamentals of behaviour B. ethos of a culture
C. both of these

70.  Folkways are simply the
A. customary ways in which the group of a people do things. B. centring on beliefs and practices.
C. irregular behaviour.

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