CSS :: Culture and Society

41.  Sub-cultures are
A. related to general culture B. not related to general culture
C. totally different term

42.  Sub-cultures are
A. distinguishable from general culture B. Not distinguishable from general culture
C. none of these

43.  The sub-cultures in Pakistani society include
A. occupational B. religious
C. sex distinctions D. all of these

44.  "The Adolescent Society to Clausen" is about
A. descriptions of sub-cultures of USA B. descriptions of sub-cultures of Pakistan
C. none of above

45.  "The Adolesceni Society to Clausen" is written by
A. Quratul Ain B. Coleman
C. Rajab Ali Beg

46.  "Aag ka Darya" is about
A. descriptions of sub-cultures of USA B. descriptions of sub-cultures of Pakistan
C. None of these

47.  The "Aag Ka Darya" is written by
A. Aga Khan B. Quratul Ain
C. Coleman

48.  Sub-cultures give colourful variety to
A. complex society B. simple society
C. None of these

49.  The culture within a society have some
A. norms B. values
C. norms and values D. None of these

50.  "Culture is an organised body of conventional undertaking", is said by
A. Taylor B. Redfield
C. White

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