CSS :: Culture and Society

11.  The losses incurred and destruction brought with India has been recouped as Pakistanis retained the knowledge and skills during war of
A. 1965 B. 1971
C. both a and b

12.  At any rate, the most important part of man's culture is
A. the heritage of ideas B. knowledge
C. beliefs D. all of these

13.  A society includes a number of group of people who interact on the basis of
A. shared beliefs B. customs
C. values and rules D. all of these
E. None of these    

14.  Society refers to the
A. interrelationship of people B. relationship of people
C. customs of people

15.  Culture refers to
A. interwoven pattern of behaviour B. interrelationship of people
C. traditions of society D. traditions of society

16.  Man living a social life has produced
A. culture B. Society
C. community

17.  Culture makes the society to function
A. smoothly B. evenly
C. both of these

18.  Society is the network of
A. social relationship B. political relationship
C. economic relationship

19.  If a set of people dominates the other set of people it is because of the
A. superiority of the culture of the first to that of the second. B. inferiority of the culture of the first to that of the second.
C. none of these

20.  Culture and society are
A. interlinked with each other. B. integrated with each other.
C. both of these

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