CSS Solved Papers
Physics Chemistry

Entry Test MCQ :: Motion and Force

  When car takes turn around a curve road, the passengers feel a force acting on them in a direction away from the center of the curve. It is due to
[A]. centripetal force[B]. gravitational force
[C]. their inertia[D]. centrifugal force

Answer: Option C

arslan said:    
Due to centrifugal force in reponse to a centripetal force and according to 2nd law body moves in direction of force

Ahsan Khan(from kpk) said:    
The answer is C inertia because according to 1st law of motion a body will continue it state of motion untill applied by an external force.Now we can see that the pasenger are sitting and traveling in straight path but as the car takes the turn according to 1st law/inertia they will continue there motion is straight path and thats why they are directed away from the centre of curve instead of going towards it... Remember some people write its answer centripetal force but its not the answer because centripetal is the force which is direct towards the centre and compels a body to move in circle but here we can see clearly the body is not moving in circle but moving away hence its no centripetal force.. SO the answer is cearly C their inertia

Qasim said:    
No it is D centrifugal force... The correct answer is D because centrifugal force is always directed outwards from the cirle. hence when some thing rotates in circle or when a car take turn .centripetal force provides the force to remain in cirle and to balance this force centrifugal forces acct away from the centre i-e out wards and thats why when car takes turn we fall outwards.

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