Engineering :: Thermodynamics

81.  The air standard efficiency of a turbine cycle is 57%. Which one of the following may be Carnot efficiency between the temperature limits of the cycle?
A. 50% B. 55%
C. 57% D. 64%
E. 100%    

82.  The gas turbine works on
A. Rankine cycle B. Carnot cycle
C. Otto cycle D. Brayton cycle
E. Erricson cycle    

83.  Thermodynamic equilibrium is completely defined by the specifications of
A. Internal energy B. Enthalpy
C. Generalized displacements D. All the above together
E. None of the above    

84.  A barn is
A. A unit of area B. A unit of length
C. A unit of time D. A unit of mass
E. None of the above    

85.  A sterling cycle consists of
A. Two isothermal and two adiabatic processes B. Two adiabatic and two isentropic processes
C. Two adiabatic and two constant pressure processes D. Two constant volume and two constant pressure processes
E. Two isothermal and two constant volume processes    

86.  The processes of a Carnot cycle are
A. Two adiabatic and two constant volume B. One constant volume one constant pressure and two isentropics
C. Two adiabatics and two isothermals D. Two constant volume and two isothermals
E. Two isothermals and two isentropics    

87.  Brayton cycles processes are
A. Two isentropics and two constant volume B. Two isentropics and two constant pressure
C. One constant pressure, one constant volume, two adiabatics D. Two isothermals constant volume a constant pressure
E. Two isothermals and two isentropics    

88.  Otto cycle consists of the set of processes as
A. Two isentropics and two constant volumes B. Two isentropics and two constant pressure
C. Two adiabatic and two isothermal D. Two isothermal and two constant volume
E. Two isothermal and two constant pressure    

89.  Diesel cycle processes are
A. Isentropic, isothermal, constant volume, constant pressure B. Two constant volume, one constant pressure, one isothermal
C. Two isentropic, one constant volume one constant pressure D. Two constant pressure, one constant volume, one isentropic
E. Two isentropic and two isothermal    

90.  Ericsson cycle processes are
A. Two isothermals and two constant pressures B. Two isothermals and two constant volumes
C. Two isothermals and two isentropics D. Two isothermals and two isentropics
E. Two adiabatic, constant volume and constant pressure    

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