Engineering :: Thermodynamics

381.  All of the following cycles consist of two isentropic processes EXCEPT:
A. Otto cycle B. Carnot cycle
C. Stirling cycle D. Diesel cycle

382.  Which of the following cycle is less efficient than the remaining?
A. Ericsson cycle B. Carnot cycle
C. Stirling cycle D. Otto cycle

383.  All of the following cycles consists of two isothermal processes EXCEPT:
A. Stirling cycle B. Carnot cycle
C. Ericsson cycle D. Brayton cycle

384.  Which of the following introduces irreversibility in the actual Carnot engine operation?
A. Friction between moving parts B. Higher operating speeds
C. Losses from working fluid in transit D. Changes in pressure and temperature during the cycle

385.  In a Carnot cycle if isothermal compression process is continued bit longer than the normal, then the adiabatic compression will cause the steam to arrive at the inner dead center at a temperature
A. lower than the normal temperature B. higher than the normal temperature
C. which is the normal temperature

386.  One of the most efficient engines ever developed operates between 2100 k and 700 k. Its actual efficiency is 40%. What percentage of its maximum possible efficiency is this?
A. 40% B. 60%
C. 66.67% D. 33.30%

387.  Two ideal engines A and B have their sources at 600 k and 400 k and their sinks at 300 k and 250 k respectively. What inference can be drawn about their efficiency
A. A is more efficient than B B. A is less efficient than B
C. Both are equally efficient D. The information given is incomplete

388.  Other factors remaining constant, if the temperature of source is increased, the efficiency of Carnot engine will
A. increase B. decrease
C. will not change D. increase or decrease depending upon temperature ratio

389.  Other factors remaining constant, if the temperature of sink is increased, the efficiency of the Carnot engine will
A. increase B. decrease
C. will not change D. increase or decrease depending upon temperature ratio

390.  The characteristics of a control volume are
A. The volume shape and position with respect to an observer are fixed B. The volume shape and position with respect to an observer may change
C. There is material flow across the boundary D. There is no material flow across the boundary

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