Engineering :: Thermodynamics

371.  which of the following set of quantities contains intensive variables?
A. Pressure, temperature and density B. Work, energy and weight
C. Mass, volume and area D. Kinetic energy, potential energy and internal energy

372.  Which of the following statement about Vanc der Waal's equation is valid?
A. It is valid for all pressures and temperatures B. It represents a straight line on pv versus v plot
C. It has three roots of identical value at the critical point D. The equation is valid for diatomic gases only

373.  Which of the following statement is correct?
A. Systems never possess heat but work can be B. Both heat and work are path functions
C. While work is a boundary phenomenon heat is not D. Both heat and work are inexact differentials

374.  An automobile heats up while lying in a parking 10 ton a sunny day. The process can be assumed to be
A. isothermal B. isobaric
C. isometric D. isentropic

375.  In steam tables, the entropy is shown as zero for
A. saturated vapours at atmospheric pressure B. saturated liquid at atmospheric pressure
C. saturated vapour at 0?C D. saturated liquid at 0?C

376.  The characteristics of a control volume are
A. The volume, shape and position with respect to an observer are fixed B. The volume, shape and position with respect to an observer may change
C. There is no material flow across the boundary

377.  A body of weight 100 N falls freely through a distance of 10 m against an atmospheric drag force of 5 N. Considering the body as the system, the work interaction is
A. 1000 Nm B. 1050 Nm
C. 250 Nm D. 50 Nm

378.  For a pure substance at its triple point, the number of degrees of freedom is
A. 0 B. 1
C. 2 D. None of the above

379.  Sadi Carnot was a
A. German engineer B. French engineer
C. British engineer D. Russian engineer

380.  In a Carnot cycle the process which must be carried out at extremely slow speed is
A. adiabatic compression B. adiabatic expansion
C. isothermal compression D. None of the above

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