Engineering :: Thermodynamics

351.  Which of the following is a boiler accessory?
A. Fusible plug B. Water level indicator
C. Economiser D. Stop valve

352.  In a boiler a fusible plug is located at the
A. bottom of fire tubes B. bottom of drum
C. top of superheater D. inlet to stop valve

353.  Which of the following valve is installed between the boiler and the feed pump?
A. Steam stop valve B. Flow of cock
C. Feed check valve D. Throttle valve

354.  A jar contains a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen gas in the ratio 1 : 5. The ratio of mean knetic energies of hydrogen and oxygen molecules is
A. 1 ; 1 B. 1 ; 4
C. 1 ; 5 D. 1 ; 16

355.  Three Carnot engines A, B and C having source temperature of 750?K, 700?K and 650?K have sink temperatures respectively 400?k, 350?k and 300?k. Which engine is the least efficient?
A. Engine A B. Engine B
C. Engine C D. All being Carnot engine have identical efficiencies

356.  The ratio of the rise in temperature of a gas when compressed adiabatically to that when compressed isothermally to the same extent is
A. More than 1 B. less than 1
C. Equal to 1 D. Depends on the gas

357.  If the temperature of the sink is decreased, the efficiency of a Carnot engine
A. decreases B. increases
C. remain unaffected D. first increased and then decreases

358.  COP of the engine is
A. 2.33 B. 3.33
C. 4.33 D. 5.33

359.  Power required for the engine is
A. 6.60 kW B. 7.75 kW
C. 8.88 kW D. 9.23 kW

360.  A 500 litre tank contains a saturated mixture of steam and water at 300?C. If the mass of steam and water within the tank is equal, it can be concluded that
A. Volume of steam will be less than the volume of water B. volume of steam will be less than the volume of water
C. Steam will be nearly dry and saturated D. Dryness fraction of steam will be closer to 0.5

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