Engineering :: Thermodynamics

311.  During constant pressure heating of a gas the following does not increase?
A. Temperature B. Entropy
C. Volume D. Pressure

312.  The temperature, in degrees celsius, at which the colsius scale reading is numerically half the Fahrenheit scale reading is
A. 20?C B. 42?C
C. 80?C D. 160?C

313.  In case the temperature of a hot body is increased by 50%, the amount of radiation emitted by it would increase by nearly
A. 50% B. 125%
C. 250% D. 500%

314.  If the door of a refrigerator in a room is left open, the temperature of the room will
A. decrease B. increase
C. remain unaltered

315.  A piece of paper wrapped tightly on a copper rod will get charred relatively slowly when held over a flame as compared to a piece of paper wrapped tightly on any of the following rod except:
A. brass rod B. silver rod
C. wooden rod D. iron rod

316.  The number of degrees of freedom for a diatomic molecule is
A. 3 B. 4
C. 5 D. 6

317.  Which of the following remains constant during an adiabatic process?
A. internal energy B. enthalpy
C. entropy D. All of the above

318.  During isothermal process
A. rejection of heat is accompanied by decrease in volume B. supply of heat is accompanied by rise in temperature
C. drop in pressure is accompanied by drop in volume D. rise in entropy is accompanied by rise in temperature

319.  The difference between two specific heats of a gas is equal to universal constant when
A. 1 gm of gas is heated B. 1 gm molecule of gas is heated
C. 1 mole of gas is heated D. any amount of gas is heated

320.  A cycle which consists of two adiabatic and two constant volume processes is known as
A. Otto cycle B. Stirling cycle
C. Diesel cycle D. Carnot cycle

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