Engineering :: Thermodynamics

291.  Which of the following is the best fuel for diesel engines?
A. Olefins B. Paraffins
C. Naphthenes D. Aromatics

292.  The ability of gasoline to resist detonation during combustion is given by
A. Octane number B. Cetane number
C. iso-octane number D. heptane number

293.  In a diesel engine fuel is injected
A. at the beginning of compression stroke B. before the end of compression stroke
C. at the end of compression stroke D. after the end of compression stroke

294.  Cetane number of a diesel fuel is a measure of its
A. volatility B. viscosity
C. ignition quality D. delay period

295.  Carburetted water gas is obtained by
A. Passing alternately steam and air through while hot carbon B. Burning oil
C. spraying oil into a carburettor filled with hot brick elieckar work through which the gases pass D. heating water at high temperature in a copper vessel

296.  Which of the following is the best fuel for S.I. engines?
A. Aromatics B. Naphthenes
C. Paraffins D. Olefins

297.  A petrol engine fuel that knocks at a low speed
A. has a high octane rating B. may not knock at high speed
C. will always knock at high speed D. will have low fire point

298.  The mean free path of a gas molecule increases with
A. increase in temperature B. decrease in temperature
C. increase in density D. increase in pressure

299.  The critical temperature of carbondioside is 31.1?C. If the room temperature is 34.7?C, then carbondioxide at room temperature is
A. gas B. wet vapour
C. vapour D. superheated vapour

300.  The average pressure on the walls of a vessel will be doubled if the
A. average velocity of the molecules in it is doubled B. the number of molecules in the vessel is doubled
C. the mass of each molecule is doubled D. the mass of each molecule is halved

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