Engineering :: Thermodynamics

281.  In case of centrifugal compressors, the phenomenon of air stream not able to follow the blade contour of an axial compressor is known as
A. Surging B. Stalling
C. Regeneration D. Recirculation
E. Feedback    

282.  In centrifugal compressors, the ratio of outlet whirl velocity to blade velocity at outlet is known as
A. Slip factor B. Gauge factor
C. Feedback factor D. Velocity factor
E. Reheat factor    

283.  Which of the following is not a positive displacement compressor?
A. Centrifugal compressor? B. Single stage reciprocating compressor
C. Double acting reciprocating compressor D. Roots blower
E. Vane type compressor    

284.  The ratio of enthalpy rise in rotor of a centrifugal compressor to the enthalpy rise in stage is called
A. Volumetric efficiency B. Adiabatic efficiency
C. Degree of reaction D. Static pressure ratio
E. Dynamic pressure ratio    

285.  In case of axial flow compressors for minimum fluid driction and blade tip clearance losses, the blades of an axial flow compressor are disigned for
A. 90% reaction B. 75% reaction
C. 60% reaction D. 53% reaction
E. Less than 50% reaction    

286.  In axial flow compressors, the phenomenon of stalling of blades occurs when
A. Blades vibrate violently B. Blades fail due to creep
C. Air stream is not able to follow the blade contour D. Air stream blocks the passage
E. Air stream flows with sonic velocity    

287.  In case of centrifugal compressors the phenomenon of unsteady, periodic and reversed flow is known as
A. Surging B. Stalling
C. Choking D. Either of above
E. None of the above    

288.  Which one of the following is an indirect reaction device?
A. Turbojet B. Ramjet
C. Pulsejet D. Propeller
E. All of the above    

289.  Which of the following does not use ambient air for propulsion?
A. Turbojet B. Turboprop
C. Rocket D. Pulsojet
E. Propellor    

290.  Which of the engine is used for fighter bombers?
A. Turbo prop B. Turbojet
C. Ramjet D. Rockets
E. Pulsejet    

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