Engineering :: Thermodynamics

271.  When a bicycle pump is operated slowly the process of compression will be nearly
A. Isothermal process B. Constant volume process
C. Constant pressure process D. Throttling process
E. Free compression    

272.  Which of the following does not change during an-ideal throttling process?
A. Enthalpy B. Enthalpy and temperature
C. Temperature and pressure D. Pressure and volume
E. Pressure, volume and temperature    

273.  In a Carnot cycle the heat is rejected at
A. Constant volume B. Constant pressure
C. Constant temperature D. Constant enthalpy
E. Constant entropy    

274.  In a Joule cycle, the heat is rejected at
A. Constant volume B. Constant pressure
C. Constant temperature D. Constant enthalpy
E. Constant entropy    

275.  The area of pv diagram for a Carnot cycle represents
A. Work done B. Temperature drop
C. Enthalpy drop D. Total heat supplied
E. Volume and pressure ratios.    

276.  Maxwell's thermodynamic relations are valid for
A. Closed system only B. All processes
C. Only reversible processes D. A thermodynamic system in equilibrium
E. Transient conditions only    

277.  In case the thermal efficiency of an engine becomes 100% it will violate
A. Zeroth law of thermodynamics B. First law of thermodynamics
C. Second law of thermodynamics D. Third law of thermodynamics
E. None of the above    

278.  In case of six stage compression of air for minimum work conditions
A. Pressure rise per stage will be equal B. Work done in successive stages will be in geometrical progression
C. Cylinder volumes will be identical D. Piston diameters will be identical
E. Temperature rise in the cylinders will be the same    

279.  The mixture formation in a carburettor is based on the principle of
A. Law of vapours B. Daltons law
C. Pascal's law D. Newtons law of motion
E. Venturi principle    

280.  In case of centrifugal compressors the phenomenon of fixed mass flow rate in compressor regardless of pressure ratio is known as
A. Surging B. Stalling
C. Choking D. Regeneration
E. Recirculation    

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