Engineering :: Thermodynamics

261.  A Brayton cycle is also a reversed
A. Carnot cycle B. Rankine cycle
C. Joule cycle D. Otto cycle
E. Dual cycle    

262.  Which of the following cycle is less efficient as compared to the remaining?
A. Carnot cycle B. Stirling cycle
C. Ericsson cycle D. Otto cycle
E. All have identical efficiency    

263.  The efficiency of a dicsel cycle will be maximum when
A. Speed is high B. Injection pressure is high
C. Cylinder is water cooled D. Cut off is zero
E. Engine is super-charged    

264.  Which of the following is a non-petroleum fuel?
A. Diesel oil B. Petrol
C. Naphtha D. Alcohol
E. All of the above    

265.  In which of the following case the process of sublimation can occur?
A. Solid carbondioxide B. Solid oxygen
C. Solid nitrogen D. Liquid air
E. Sodium    

266.  The RMS velocity of hydrogen gas at N.T.P. is nearly
A. 839 m/s B. 1839 m/s
C. 2839 m/s D. 3839 m/s
E. 4839 m/s    

267.  Which of the following cycle consists of two isothemal and two constant volume processes?
A. Stirling cycle B. Joule cycle
C. Diesel cycle D. Rankine cycle
E. Otto cycle    

268.  Which of the following cycle consists of two isothermal and constant volume processes?
A. Joule cycle B. Diesel cycle
C. Rankine cycle D. Otto cycle
E. Ericsson cycle    

269.  "It is impossible to construct a heat engine which operates in a cycle and receives a given amount of heat from a high temperature body and does equal amount of work". Which of the following name is associated with the above statement?
A. Gay Lussac B. Kinetic theory
C. Kelvin-planck D. Joule-thomson
E. None of the above    

270.  "What two dissimilar metals are heated at one end cooled at the other c.m.f. is developed proportional to difference of temperatures at two ends". Which of the following name is associated with the above statement?
A. Kelvin-planck B. Gay-Lussac
C. Euler D. Peltier-Thomson
E. Faraday    

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