Engineering :: Thermodynamics

251.  One watt is the same as
A. 1 Nm/s B. 1 Nm/min
C. 10 Nm/min D. 10 Nm/s
E. 100 Nm/s    

252.  The value of universal gas constant in S.I. units is
A. 8314 J/kg mole/?k B. 831.4 J/kg mole/?k
C. 83.14 J/kg mole/?k D. 8.314 J/kg mole/?k
E. 0.8314 J/kg mole/?k    

253.  287 J/kg/?k is the value of
A. Gas constant in MKS units B. Gas constant in S.I. units
C. Universal gas constant in MKS units D. Universal gas constant in S.I. units
E. None of the above    

254.  One kg of water is evaporated from 6 kg of sea water containing 4% salt. The percentage of salt in the remaining solution will be
A. 1% B. 3.33%
C. 4% D. 4.80%
E. 6%    

255.  Air leaking from a punctured tube is an example of
A. Throttling B. Adiabatic expansion
C. Isothermal expansion D. Constant volume expansion
E. Constant pressure expansion    

256.  An adlabatic wall permits
A. Conduction heat flow only B. Convective heat flow only
C. Radiation heat flow only D. Heat exchange by all the three modes of heat transfer
E. No heat exchange    

257.  A diathermic wall permits
A. Conduction heat flow only B. Convective heat flow only
C. Radiation heat flow only D. Heat exchange by all the three modes of heat transfer
E. No heat exchange    

258.  1 bar pressure is nearly equal to
A. 1 mm Hg B. 13.4 mm Hg
C. 100 mm Hg D. 735 mm Hg
E. 750 mm Hg    

259.  Which of the following is not a reversible cycle?
A. Carnot cycle B. Stirling cycle
C. Ericsson cycle D. Otto cycle
E. All of the above    

260.  Which of the following cycle consists of two constant pressure and two adiabatic processes?
A. Carnot cycle B. Joule cycle
C. Dual cycle D. Diesel cycle
E. Otto cycle    

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