Engineering :: Thermodynamics

231.  "The internal energy of a gas is a function of temperature". Which of the following name is associated with the above law?
A. Joule B. Charle
C. Boyle D. Regnault
E. Dalton    

232.  "The molecular weights of all the perfect gases occupy the same volume under same conditions of pressure and temperature".
A. Avogadro's hypothesis B. Gay Lussac's law
C. Boyle's law D. Balton's law
E. Regnault's law    

233.  Which of the following is not a path function?
A. Work B. Heat
C. Kinetic energy D. Thermal conductivity
E. All of the above    

234.  A mixture of liquid and vapour Freon in a vessel is an example of
A. Closed system B. Transient system
C. Isolated system D. Open system
E. Heterogeneous system    

235.  During the boiling of a liquid, which of the following parameter increases?
A. Temperature B. Free energy
C. Entropy D. Heat of vaporisation
E. None of the above    

236.  "Heat flows from hot substance to cold substance unaided". The name associated with the above statement is
A. Clausius B. Joule
C. Gay Lussac D. Kelvin
E. Planck    

237.  A machine that continuously creates its own energy is known as
A. Reversible machine B. 100% efficient machine
C. Self-propelled machine D. Perpetual motion machine of first kind
E. Perpetual motion machine of second kind    

238.  On a temperature-entropy diagram the slope of constant pressure line is given by
A. T/S B. S/T
C. T/Cp D. Cv/T
E. T/Cv    

239.  When a gas expands in a closed vessel, the maximum work will be done when the process is at constant
A. Volume B. Temperature
C. Pressure D. Enthalpy
E. Entropy    

240.  In a closed system, the change in enthalpy will be equal to the heat transferred when a reversible process takes place at constant
A. Volume B. Pressure
C. Temperature D. Entropy
E. Internal energy    

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