Engineering :: Thermodynamics

221.  Which of the following changes during throttling process?
A. Pressure B. Temperature
C. Internal energy D. Pressure x Volume
E. All of the above    

222.  For an ideal gas the value of Joule Kelvin coefficient is
A. Zero B. 0.5
C. Unity D. Infinite
E. Negative    

223.  A gas can never be liquid
A. Above room temperature B. When it is impure
C. When it is diatomic D. When it is reactive with any other gas
E. Above critical temperature    

224.  The term "pre-whirl" is associated with
A. Reciprocating air compressors B. Gas turbines
C. Super-charged diesel engines D. Centrifugal air compressors
E. Sliding vane type air compressors    

225.  In an optimum four stage compressor system the first and third stage pressure are 1 kg/cm2 and 9 kg/cm2 respectively what will be the fourth stage delivery pressure?
A. 3 kg/cm2 B. 6 kg/cm2
C. 9 kg/cm2 D. 27 kg/cm2
E. 81 kg/cm2    

226.  According to Lussac's law for perfect gases, the absolute pressure of given mass varies directly as
A. Temperature B. Absolute temperature
C. Absolute temperature in case the volume remains constant D. The product of volume and absolute temperature
E. None of the above    

227.  Gas laws are applicable to
A. Gases only B. Gases and wet vapours
C. Gases and dry vapours D. Gases and dry and wet vapours
E. Gases and dry, wet and super-heated vapours    

228.  The behaviour of which of the following vapour is closer to that of a gas?
A. Wet vapour B. Dry vapour
C. Superheated vapour D. Wet and dry vapour
E. Wet and superheated vapours    

229.  According to Kinetic theory of gases, at absolute zero
A. Specific heat of molecules will reduce to zero B. Mass of gas will reduce to zero
C. Volume of gas will reduce to zero D. Pressure of gas will reduce to zero
E. Kinetic energy of gas molecules will reduce to zero    

230.  According to the Kinetic theory of gases the collision between the molecules are assumed to be
A. Perfectly elastic B. Perfectly inelastic
C. 50% elastic D. Partly elastic
E. Partly inelastic    

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