Engineering :: Thermodynamics

201.  In an isothermal process
A. Temperature remains constant B. Pressure remains constant
C. Volume remains constant D. Kinetic energy remains constant
E. Inter-molecular energy remain constant    

202.  A thermistor is a
A. Thermocouple B. Thermometer
C. Thermos flask D. Miniature resistance
E. None of the above    

203.  The difference between two specific heats of a gas is equal to universal gas constant
A. When 1 gm of gas is heated B. When 1 molecule of gas is heated
C. When 1 gm molecule heated D. When 1 gm molecule heated
E. When any amount of gas is heated    

204.  During an adiabatic expansion the increase in volume is associated with
A. Decrease in pressure and decrease in temperature B. Increase in pressure and decrease in temperature
C. Increase in pressure and increase in temperature D. Decrease in pressure and increase in temperature
E. Depends on other factors    

205.  In an adiabatic change the system
A. Takes heat from the surroundings B. Gives heat to the surrounding
C. Exchanges no heat with the surroundings D. Partly takes heat and partly leaves to the surroundings
E. Heat taken from surroundings is exactly equal to heat rejected to surroundings    

206.  The process in which no heat enters or leaves the system is called
A. Isobaric B. Isothermal
C. Isentropic D. Isochoric
E. None of the above    

207.  The ratio of the rise in temperature of a gas when compressed adiabatically to that when compressed isothermally to the same extent is
A. More than 1 B. Less than 1
C. Equal to 1 D. Depends on the gas

208.  Work done by an expanding gas under adiabatic condition results in
A. No change in temperature B. Temperature increase
C. Temperature decrease D. Temperature decreases first and then increase
E. Temperature increase first and then decrease    

209.  An amount of heat given to a gas under isothermal conditions will be
A. For a temperature rise B. For doing external work
C. For doing external work and also for a temperature rise D. For increasing the internal energy of the gas
E. None of the above    

210.  In an adiabatic compression the decrease in volume is associated with
A. Decrease in temperature and increase in pressure B. Decrease in temperature and decrease in pressure
C. Increase in temperature and decrease in temperature D. Increase in temperature and increase in pressure

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