Engineering :: Thermodynamics

181.  At critical point the latent enthalpy of vaporisation is
A. Only depends on temperature B. Zero
C. Maximum D. Minimum
E. None of the above    

182.  Economiser in the boiler heats the
A. Steam B. Air
C. Feed water D. Coal

183.  Least value of specific heat
A. Water B. Ice
C. Stream D. Air
E. Alcohol    

184.  The process during which external work done is not zero, is
A. Constant volume process B. Constant pressure process
C. Throttling D. Free expansion
E. All of the above    

185.  Which of the following relations is not applicable to free expansion process?
A. Heat supplied = Zero B. Heat rejected = Zero
C. Work done = Zero D. Change in temperature = Zero
E. Change in internal energy = Zero    

186.  Which of the following relations is not valid during throttling process?
A. Total heat = Constant B. Pressure drop = Zero
C. External work done = Zero D. Change in internal energy = Zero
E. Change in enthalpy = Zero    

187.  The specific heat of water
A. Increases with rise of temperature B. Decreases with rise of temperature
C. Does not change with temperature D. First decreases, reaches a minimum value and then increases
E. First increases, reaches a maximum value and then decreases.    

188.  A substance above critical temperature exists as
A. Solid B. Liquid
C. Gas D. Unsaturated vapour
E. Any of the above    

189.  Isothermals are curves obtained by drawing
A. P against T B. PV against T
C. P against V D. PV against V
E. V against T    

190.  In any process the maximum amount of mechanical energy that can be converted to heat
A. Depends upon the amount of friction B. Depends upon the intake and exhaust temperature
C. Depends upon whether kinetic energy is involved D. Is 50%
E. Is 100%    

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