Engineering :: Thermodynamics

171.  Which of the following turbines cannot be set below the maximum tail race level
A. Pelton B. Francis
C. Kaplan D. Propeller

172.  If during a process, the entropy of the isolated system increases, the process is
A. Adiabatic B. Isothermal
C. Reversible D. Irreversible
E. Ideal    

173.  Isentropic flow is
A. Irreversible adiabatic flow B. Ideal fluid flow
C. Perfect gas flow D. Frictionless reversible flow
E. Change in entropy is zero    

174.  The unit of Universal Gas constant is
A. erg/?K B. kcal/?K
C. Dynes/?K D. W/m?K
E. It is dimensionless    

175.  Thermodynamic equilibrium is completely defined by the specifications of
A. Internal energy B. Generalized displacement
C. All the above together D. None of the above

176.  In which case the work done per kg of air compressed from 1.05 ata, 15?C to 6.3 ata is minimum
A. Adiabatic B. Polytropic with index n = 1.3
C. Polytropic with index n = 1.35 D. Polytropic with index n = 1.40
E. Isothermal    

177.  Draught ensures supply of
A. Feed water B. Air for combustion
C. Superheated steam D. Coad to the boiler

178.  Exhaust gases from a engine possess
A. Potential energy B. Kinetic energy
C. Chemical energy D. Solar energy
E. Stored energy    

179.  The extension and compression of a helical spring is an example of
A. Thermodynamic cycle B. Adiabatic process
C. Isothermal process D. Irreversible process
E. Reversible process    

180.  Diffusion is
A. Mixing of two portions of fluid B. Mixing of a gas in two containers at different pressures
C. Mixing of two portions of a fluid at different temperatures D. Mixing of unlike fluids
E. None of the above    

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