Engineering :: Thermodynamics

161.  Thermal efficiency of most of the internal combustion engines lies in the range
A. 90 to 100 percent B. 75 to 90 percent
C. 50 to 75 percent D. 35 to 50 percent
E. 20 to 35 percent    

162.  A gas which obeys kinetic theory perfectly is known as
A. Monoatomic gas B. Diatomic gas
C. Real gas D. Pure gas
E. Perfect gas    

163.  In a reversible polytropic process
A. Some heat transfer occurs B. The entropy remains constant
C. Enthalpy remains constant D. Internal energy remains constant
E. Temperature remains constant    

164.  Which of the following is conserved across a shock wave?
A. Temperature B. Pressure
C. Momentum D. All of the above

165.  Within the boiler, the temperature of steam is highest in
A. Water drum B. Water tubes
C. Water walls D. Super heater

166.  Which of the following is not a property of the system?
A. Temperature B. Pressure
C. Specific volume D. Work
E. None of the above    

167.  Heat exchanger used in a steam condenser of a thermal power plant is
A. Direct contact type B. Recuperator type
C. Regenerator type D. Any one of the above

168.  The rate of discharge through the nozzle
A. remains same B. decreases
C. increases

169.  When a gas is to be stored, the type of compression that would be ideal is
A. Isothermal B. Adiabatic
C. Polytropic D. Constant pressure

170.  A process which does not dissipate available energy is known as
A. Adiabatic process B. Isothermal process
C. Ideal process D. Frictionless process
E. Energyless process    

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