Engineering :: Thermodynamics

121.  The charge in a Diesel engine consists of
A. Air + diesel + lubricating oil B. Air + diesel
C. Air + lubricating oil D. Diesel + lubricating oil
E. Air    

122.  In a 2 stroke engine we get one power stroke in
A. 180? of crank rotation B. 270? of crank rotation
C. 360? of crank rotation D. 540? of crank rotation
E. 720? of crank rotation    

123.  A carburettor is used to supply
A. Diesel + air + lubricating oil B. Petrol + air + lubricating oil
C. Petrol + lubricating oil D. Air + lubricating oil
E. Petrol + air    

124.  The function of a distributor is
A. To distribute power B. To distribute fuel
C. To distribute spark D. To time the spark
E. To generate the spark    

125.  By applying chike in an automobile we get
A. Stoichiometric mixture B. Chemically correct mixture
C. Lean mixture D. Rich mixture
E. Weak mixture    

126.  In automobiles clutch is mounted between
A. Engine and flywheel B. Flywheel and gear box
C. Gear box and differential D. Engine and differential
E. Differential and wheels    

127.  The function of a clutch in automobiles
A. To disengage power from engine to flywheel B. To disengage power from engine to gear box
C. To disengage power from engine to wheels D. To disengage power from wheels to engine
E. To absorb power    

128.  In six stage compression of air set for minimum work conditions
A. Pressure rise per stage will be equal B. Work done in successive stages will be in geometrical progression
C. Cylinder volumes will be same D. Temperature rise in the cylinders will be the same
E. The discharge pressure will be six times suction pressure    

129.  Free piston engines find application in
A. Compression air supply B. Mining installation
C. Gas turbines D. supercharging reciprocating engines
E. None of the above    

130.  For maximum specific output of a constant volume cycle
A. The working fluid should be air B. The speed should be high
C. Suction temperature should be high D. Exhaust pressure should be high
E. Temperature of the working fluid at the end of compression and expansion should be equal    

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