Engineering :: Thermodynamics

111.  A system
A. Is a specified region, not necessarily of constant volume, where transfer of energy and/or mass are to be studied B. Is a region of constant mass and only energy is allowed to cross the boundaries
C. Cannot transfer either energy or mass to or from the surroundings D. Has a mass transfer across its boundaries and the mass within the system is not constant
E. None of the above    

112.  A system comprising a single phase is called a
A. Closed system B. Open system
C. Isolated system D. Homogeneous system
E. Heterogeneous system    

113.  Which one of the following is heterogeneous system
A. The cooling fluid in the radiator B. Atmospheric air
C. Cooking gas in a cylinder D. A mixture of hydrogen and oxygen
E. A mixture of ice, water and system.    

114.  Identify the incorrect statement
A. The temperature scale is independent of the properties of any substance B. The size of a unit of temperature, the degree, has a rational interpretation
C. A region of coldest temperature, an absolute zero, is well defined D. All of the above
E. None of the above    

115.  The internal energy of an ideal gas is
A. A function of temperature alone B. A function of pressure
C. A function of volume D. (a) and (b) only
E. All the above    

116.  In an automobile the gear box is fitted between
A. Engine and clutch B. Clutch and differential
C. Differential and wheels D. Clutch and wheels
E. Engine and flywheels    

117.  A fusible plug is utilised when
A. Steam generation rate is high B. Water level is too low
C. Water level is too high D. Impurities in water are excessive
E. Firing rate is high    

118.  A safety valve is used on boilers to
A. Check the level of water B. Check the level of steam
C. Check the temperature of steam D. To release excess pressure
E. None of the above    

119.  A choke is applied in a car
A. For increasing speed B. For fuel economy
C. For starting in cold weather D. For starting in hot weather
E. For reduction of speed    

120.  The shape of the lid of manhole in a boiler is
A. Elliptical B. Square
C. Rectangular D. Circular
E. Special contour    

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