Engineering :: Thermodynamics

91.  The number of processes in a Rankine cycle is
A. Two B. Three
C. Four D. Five
E. Six    

92.  If a process can be stopped at any stage and reversed so that the system and surroundings are exactly restored to their initial states, it is known as
A. Adiabatic process B. Isothermal process
C. Reversible process D. Thermodynamic process
E. Ideal process    

93.  A process which does not dissipate available energy is known as
A. Adiabatic process B. Isothermal process
C. Ideal process D. Frictionless process
E. Energyless process    

94.  Which is incorrect statement about the reversible process?
A. A reversible process is ideal B. A reversible process must pass through a continuous series of equilibrium states
C. A reversible process when undone, will leave no history of the events in the surroundings D. A reversible process must pass through the same states on the reversed path as were initially visited on the forward path
E. None of the above    

95.  Brayton cycle cannot be used in reciprocating engines even for same adiabatic compression ratio and work output because
A. Otto cycle is more efficient B. Brayton cycle is less efficient
C. Brayton cycle is for slow speed engines D. Brayton cycle requires large air-fuel ratio
E. Large volume of low pressure air cannot be efficiently handled in reciprocating engines    

96.  The cycle generally used for gas turbines is
A. Otto cycle B. Dual cycle
C. Carnot cycle D. Rankine cycle
E. Brayton cycle    

97.  The number of degrees of freedom in case of triatomic gases is
A. 2 B. 3
C. 4 D. 5
E. 6    

98.  In case of ideal triatomic gas, the ratio of specific heats Cp/Cv would be
A. 1 B. 1.33
C. 1.4 D. 1.41
E. 1.67    

99.  If a closed circuit is made of two dissimilar metals, an electric current flows in the circuit whdn the two junctions are maintained at different temperatures. This phenomenon is known as
A. Peltier effect B. Seeback effect
C. Thomson effect D. Maxwell's effect
E. Faraday's effect    

100.  Antifreeze chemicals are
A. Same as refrigerants B. Those which are added to refrigerants for better performance
C. Those which lower down the freezing points of liquids D. Those which do not freeze at all
E. Always in liquid state even at low temperatures    

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