Engineering :: Industrial Engineering

161.  Which of the following was not included as a factor or variable which has an effect on personnel forecasting techniques?
A. Amount of production B. Technological changes
C. Management philosophy D. Carrier planning
E. Supply and demand conditions    

162.  Which of the following is not an advantage resulting from a company's training its employees?
A. Increased productivity B. Less employee obsolescence
C. Improved morale D. Increased manufacturing flexibility

163.  In queuing theory one faces with the situation that
A. the queue keeps on lengthening as the time passes B. mean service rate is greater than mean arrival rate
C. mean service rate increases as the length of the queue increases D. None of the above

164.  By introducing a dummy activity in a network
A. logical sequence of activities is disturbed B. time is consumed additionally
C. resource is allocated additionally D. unique numbering system for different activities is maintained

165.  CPM is oriented to
A. cost B. time
C. objective D. activity

166.  Bar chart and PERT are techniques of
A. contract planning B. construction management
C. monitoring and control of a project D. None of the above

167.  The use of CPM lies in
A. taking corrective measures B. scheduling and controlling the project
C. planning and controlling the most logical sequence of operations D. None of the above

168.  Choose the wrong statement in respect of value engineering.
A. Value engineering is applied to products which will be produced in future. B. Value engineering deals with improoving quality/performance to satisfy customer.
C. Value analysis is applied to products already in production D. Cost is calculated item wise

169.  Critical path method is good for
A. small projects only B. large projects only
C. both small and large projects equally D. None of the above

170.  If D = duration, EF = earliest finish time, ES = earliest start time, LF = latest finish time, LS = latest start time, which relationship does not hold?
A. EF = D - ES B. EF = D + ES
C. LF = LS + D D. None of the above

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