Engineering :: Industrial Engineering

141.  Loan of purchase of car is a
A. incentive scheme B. bonus plan
C. fringe benefit D. Perk

142.  Under Emerson's efficiency plan an incentive is paid to a worker whose output exceeds
A. 67% B. 75%
C. 80% D. 100%

143.  Group incentive is recommended for
A. assembly lines B. research and development
C. office work D. None of the above

144.  Under Gantt incentive plan the wages are calculated on
A. piece basis B. group average basis
C. hourly basis D. None of the above

145.  All of the following types of companies have board of directors EXCEPT:
A. Public sector undertakings B. Private limited companies
C. Public limited companies D. Cooperative societies

146.  Which of the following have training and development responsibilities?
A. Top line executive B. Personnel staff
C. Each and every employee D. Immediate supervisors
E. All of the above    

147.  Planned progression is most closely related to
A. Job laddering B. Job displacement
C. Job enlargement D. Job rotation
E. Job enrichment    

148.  OR was developed
A. during World War I B. during World War II
C. In the 1950's D. In the 1960's
E. None of the above    

149.  In a thriving company, human resource planning
A. Is a static system B. Is continuously at work
C. Is initiated whenever a problem arises D. Generally applies to upper management
E. Any combination of these    

150.  Which statement does not describe human resource objectives?
A. Set objectives work to limit growth as well as guard against failure B. Planning objective is the first step in the human resource planning process
C. Human resource objectives assume that the future of the organisation is linked to the future of the work force D. Objectives are geared to affect the future
E. Objectives can be short term as well as long term    

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