Engineering :: Industrial Engineering

121.  Which of the following represents the reduction in duration?
A. Crushing B. Negative slack
C. Variance D. All of the above

122.  A dual event
A. is always the first event B. is always the last event
C. either of (A) and (B) above D. is any event other than (A) and (B) above

123.  A critical path has
A. zero slack B. minimum slack
C. maximum slack D. infinite slack

124.  Negative float can occur
A. in cse of normal activity B. in case of critical activityonly
C. in case of sub-critical activity only D. in case of super-critical activity only

125.  Which of the following does not constitute the direct cost of a project?
A. Cost of materials B. Wages of labour
C. Penalty imposed by Government D. All of the above

126.  As the value of variance increases
A. uncertainty decreases B. uncertainty increases
C. uncertainty remains unaffected

127.  In case the probability factor is zero, it can be concluded that
A. the project is bound to fail B. the chances of completion of the project are 100%
C. the chances of completion of the project are 50% D. the chances of completion of the project are less than 50%.

128.  Flatted roof buildings are preferred for
A. electronic industries B. foundries
C. automobiles assembly lines D. rolling mills

129.  Multi-storey buildings are used for
A. chemical plants B. total mills
C. engineering industries D. All of the above

130.  The object of plant layout could be
A. to reduce material handling cost B. for effective utilisation of space
C. to increase production D. any of the above

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