Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

81.  The principle, "The buoyancy is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced and the line of action is through the centroid of the displaced mass" is known as
A. Law of buoyancy B. Newton's law
C. Archimedes principle D. First law of fluid mechanics
E. Bernoulli's law    

82.  Gradually varied flow is
A. Steady uniform flow B. Steady non-uniform flow
C. Unsteady uniform flow D. Unsteady non-uniform flow
E. None of these answers    

83.  If a centrifugal pump takes too much power, the cause may be
A. Low speed B. Air in water
C. Air leakage D. Foot valve too small
E. Heavy liquid.    

84.  In a centrifugal pump the pressure energy of water is increased because of
A. Rotation of impeller B. Centrifugal force
C. Momentum of particles D. Lift of particles
E. None of the above    

85.  A Kaplan turbine is suitable for
A. High head low discharge B. High head high discharge
C. Low head low discharge D. Low head high discharge
E. None of the above    

86.  Under which two of the following regimes would the assumption of a continuum be reasonable (1) Free molecule flow (2) Gas dynamics (3) Slip flow (4) Complete vacuum (5) Liquid flow
A. 1,2 B. 2,3
C. 3,5 D. 1,4
E. 1,5.    

87.  In case of forced vortex
A. Velocity decreases with radius B. Velocity increases with radius
C. The fluid rotates as a composite solid D. The motion of fluid varies at random
E. The fluid rotates with radial as well vertical velocities.    

88.  In a centrifugal pump casing, the flow of water leaving the impeller is
A. Rectilinear flow B. Centrifugal flow
C. Radial flow D. Forced vortex motion
E. Free vortex motion    

89.  Boundary layer thickness (?) is the distance from the surface of the solid body in the direction perpendicular to flow, where the velocity of fluid is equal to
A. Free stream velocity B. 0.9 times the free stream velocity
C. 0.99 times the free stream velocity D. None of the above

90.  105 N/m2 pressure is eqrivalent to
A. 1 bar B. 750.06 mm Hg
C. 0.98682 atm D. 401.85 m H2O
E. Any of the above    

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