Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

71.  The general energy equation is applicable to
A. Steady flow B. Unsteady flow
C. Non-uniform flow D. Turbulent flow
E. Laminar flow    

72.  The continuity equation in ideal fluid flow
A. States that the net rate of in-flow into any small volume must be zero B. Applies to irrotational flow only
C. Impulses to existence of a velocity potential D. States that the energy remains constant along stream line
E. States that energy is constant everywhere in the fluid    

73.  If the forces due to inertia, gravity and frictional resistance are insignificant, the design of a channel may be made by comparing
A. Weber number B. Reynolds number
C. Froude's number D. Prandt number
E. Schmidt number    

74.  If the Mach number of a flow is 3 the flow is known as
A. Super-supersonic B. Supersonic
C. Sonic D. Sub-sonic
E. None of the above    

75.  Which one of the following is laminar flow
A. Rise of water in plants through roots B. Movement of blood in the arteries of a human body
C. Flow of oil in measuring instruments D. All of the above
E. None of the above    

76.  A control volume refers to
A. A closed system B. An open system
C. A isolated system D. A specified mass
E. A fixed region in space    

77.  The eddy viscosity for turbulent flow is
A. Part of dynamic viscosity B. A property of the fluid
C. Dependent on fluid temperature D. Dependent on flow
E. Independent of the nature of flow    

78.  The pressure centre is
A. At the centroid of the submerged area B. The centroid of the pressure prism
C. Independent of the orientation of the area D. A point on the line of action of the resultant force
E. Always above the centroid of area    

79.  A fluid in which resistance to deformation is independent of the shear stress is known as
A. Bingham plastic fluid B. Pseudo plastic fluid
C. Dilatant fluid D. Newtonian fluid
E. None of the above    

80.  Which mouthpiece is having maximum coefficient of discharge?
A. External mouthpiece B. Convergent-Divergent mothpiece
C. Internal mouthpiece D. None of the above

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