Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

61.  The continuity equation
A. Expresses relationship between hydraulic parameters of flow B. Expresses the relation between work and energy
C. Is based on Bernoulli's theorem D. Is a relation for the momentum per unit volume for two points on a stream line
E. Relates the mass rate of flow along a stream line    

62.  The equation of continuity of flow is applicable when
A. The flow is one dimensional B. The flow is steady
C. The flow is compressive D. The velocity is uniform over the cross section
E. None of the above    

63.  One dimensional flow is
A. Restricted to flow in a straight line B. Flow which neglects changes in a transverse direction
C. Steady uniform flow D. Uniform flow
E. None of the above    

64.  Uniform flow occurs when
A. Conditions do not change with time at any point B. Rate of change of velocity of fluid is zero
C. At every point the velocity vector is identical in magnitude and direction for any given instant D. The change in transverse direction are zero
E. None of the above    

65.  Steady flow occurs when
A. The pressure does not change along the flow B. The velocity does not change
C. Conditions change gradually with time D. There are no obstructions on the path of flow
E. Conditions do not change withtime at any point    

66.  If the particles of a fluid attain such velocities that vary from point to point in magnitude and direction as well as from instant to instant, the flow is said to be
A. Uniform flow B. Steady flow
C. Turbulent flow D. Laminar flow
E. None of the above    

67.  A flow in which each liquid particle has a definite path and their paths do not cross each other is called
A. Steady flow B. Uniform flow
C. Stream line flow D. Turbulent flow
E. None of the above    

68.  A flow is said to be laminar when
A. The fluid particles moves in a zig-zag way B. The Reynold number is high
C. The fluid particles move in layers parallel to the boundary D. None of the above

69.  The loss of pressure head for the laminar flow through pipes varies
A. As the square of velocity B. Directly as the velocity
C. As the inverse of the velocity D. None of the above

70.  The equation of continuity of flow is based on the principle of conservation of
A. Momentum B. Mass
C. Energy D. All above
E. None of the above    

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